U2P, better business, better world

U2P offers a platform for scale- ups and partners with progressive ideas who strive for an ideal world, a bright future. From specific advice to the right financial resources. U2P supports and partners sustainable and innovative entrepreneurs.

Challenges are our driving force. If you dream and believe, you can achieve!

Consult our Code of Conduct here.

Investing in a better world, literally.

U2P is a company that looks beyond the present. We aspire to an ideal world and believe in it. That’s why people with innovative ideas deserve to be heard and supported. And U2Pgroup is happy to take on that task. With U2P we offer a platform for scale- ups and partners who share the same values as us. Values that contribute to a better world, an ideal world. Advice and investments as a boost.

In this way we set up our own eco-system. Perseverance, the right attitude and innovation,… These are all things that we consider very important at U2P. Always striving for better, cleaner. Under the motto: problems as an engine for positive solutions.

The 3 Ps become 4 Ps

Persist, our fourth P. Keep going. It’s exactly what the founders know all about. They went and are still looking for sustainable developments for a better world, through trial and error. And if you fall seven times, get up eight.


People, the people. The basis of our society. Taking care of each other, that's what it's all about. U2P invests in its own employees as well as in people outside the organization. With its search for sustainable solutions, U2P strives for a beautiful, clean world. That is how we take care of the people, because that is our duty.


The second P represents the economic value of a company. Not unimportant, because thanks to this P we can improve the other dimensions. More return means investing more in green solutions.


Our world today has many troubling problems. U2Pgroup takes its responsibility and goes for a sustainable invasion.
Towards a better world.


Persist, our fourth P. Keep going. Let that be exactly what the founders know all about. They went and are still looking for sustainable developments for a better world, through trial and error. And if you fall seven times, get up eight times.

Problems as an engine for positive solutions

The founders once worked on mopeds and cars, but soon their interest in technology expanded to environmentally friendly challenges. As students they were selected for the World Solar Challenge project. An international competition in which students drive a self-built solar-powered car from the north to the south of Australia, a distance of 3021 km. During the project, the team members did not only acquire technical knowledge. They got to know themselves and came into contact with a qualitative network. With that knowledge and experience, the partners started Futech (Future Technology), a fast-growing company in solar panels. Soon, iLumen was also founded, a company that monitors the optimal functioning of solar panel installations and extends their lifespan. fterwards, the innovative and patented products follow each other in quick succession. The companies, products and ideas are successful in Belgium and abroad. Their secret? Daring to believe in a story that does not seem obvious.

Today the U2Pgroup is a holding company that already coordinates a total of about ten companies. All companies that each strive for an ideal world in their own way.

Futech, a first big step

Everyone talks about green energy, but nobody does anything. That line of thought laid the foundation for Futech. The founders, who have known each other since the story with the solar car, decided to do something. This is how Futech FutureTechnology) was born, a company specialized in solar panels. Futech is growing very fast because the company has a lot of in-house knowledge.

The solar panel parks for industrial projects that Futech first focused on were quickly supplemented by the private market. Futech opted for a service model, in which electricity is sold instead of the panels themselves. This way, private individuals should not invest in solar panels and the threshold to green energy is lowered so that Joe Average also has easy access to the energy of the future.


Futech was quickly successful in Belgium and abroad. But the founders kept striving for better. They like challenges. Together with their employees, the founders searched for a solution to the problems that owners of solar panels were facing. For this reason, iLumen was created. A company that monitors the optimal functioning of solar panel installations and extends their lifespan. Here too, with the slogan: problems as an engine for positive solutions. iLumen has already developed six patented, innovative products that contribute to a green future.

Patents we are proud of


A product that increases the lifespan and efficiency of solar panels. Every month thousands of copies are sent out the door.


A battery for the storage of solar energy, which can reduce the prosumer rate.

PID coating

Solar panel installation and method for accelerated regeneration and / or prevention of defects in solar panels.

Vehicle to grid

A device for energy storage in a solar panel installation.

U2Pgroup invests in your sustainable project

Are you convinced of your idea? Convince us!

U2P is open to innovative ideas that make the world more sustainable and




The fact that U2P has co-invested has great value, of course, but the
sounding board is priceless.

“We got to know one of the founders of U2P as a mentor when we were selected as a start-up by Start-it @ KBC. We could not have imagined a better sounding board for our company. Ellio is working on the very first speed E-bike with two-wheel drive. A project that requires capital, but also business and technical insight. The founders of U2P followed a similar journey with innovative technology and therefore ask the right questions at the righttime. The fact that U2P also invested has great value, of course, but the sounding board is priceless. ” Jorrit Heidbuchel, Ellio, intuedrive.com


Secury 360

They first make sure the new product proves itself before making it known to the world.

“When looking for suitable partners for Secury 360, we had set ourselves a number of important conditions: the same vision, dream big but always with our feet on the ground, experience in product development and in international distribution. With U2P we found a partner that meets all these conditions. Moreover, we knew one of the founders as someone you can always turn to for the right advice. I am also impressed by the good mentality that prevails at U2P. They first have a new product prove itself before making it known to the world. We would also like to apply this strategy in our start-up. Our ambition is to conquer the market by developing a working concept and delivering on what we promise. Through strategic exercises with the people of U2P we always maintain a healthy and realistic view of the future. ” Frederick Jacobs, Secury 360, secury-360.com/



Since its foundation in 2013, Skilpod has grown in no time to one of the influential players in the Benelux market for the development and realization of affordable, sustainable and aesthetically high-quality compact homes.

“In a rapidly changing world, we see enormous opportunities with the ‘Living as a Service’ concept, where living is offered as a service. Since U2P Group has already taken a lot of steps in applying the ‘Energy as a Service’ principle in practice, they are an ideal partner within the broader framework of Living as a Service. Based on its experience and technical baggage, U2P Group will play a leading role with regard to the sustainability story. ” Filip Timmermans, Skilpod, Skilpod.com



Trenara is the most personal running coach app on the market. Thanks to their innovative approach, the developers have succeeded in developing a smart app that can predict the user’s walking behavior with unprecedented precision. Trenara encourages its users to exercise and is the perfect coach in achieving their goals.

“When Trenara was not an app but an Excel file, we immediately sought advice from the U2P Group because they are very adept at gaining insights in start-ups. We soon got an answer to the question: ‘is our dream viable?’ Yes, indeed! As business managers, we are mainly concerned with the micromanagement of the start-up, while U2P Group keeps an overview from a helicopter view and explores further horizons. Thanks to this collaboration, we can effectively realize our ambition to grow the app at home and abroad. An additional advantage to our partnership is that one of the founders of U2P himself is an avid endurance athlete and can accurately assess our product. His insights help us to expand the app and his enthusiasm naturally stimulates ours. ” Christophe Roosen and Gert Moermans, Trenara, trenara.com



Today, it is becoming more clear that quality of living takes precedence over quantity. People are consciously living smaller and more ecologically, and the need for a small garden soon became clear in 2020. That’s why we started thinking and developed a logical, sustainable, cost-saving, all-inclusive way of living. Cocosi was born and stands for a compact, cosy total living formula. Let’s call it instant living.


Spectra - Raio

RAIO is an innovative heating solution, based on the revolutionary graphene technology and feels like comfortable solar heat. The RAIO heating element is a powerful 4.5 cm thick infrared panel that can be mounted on the ceiling or against the wall. The panel can be finished in different colors and materials, which ensures perfect aesthetic integration into the room.

“U2P not only provides the necessary capital to realize further growth, but also draws on a great deal of experience and thus provides valuable substantive and strategic input. This is invaluable, especially in this growth phase.”Jordy Kollenburg, CEO



Eclio is an ecosystem of high-tech companies with years of experience in the renewable energy sector. By joining forces, Eclio offers the best total solution in the market. Together we accelerate and facilitate the renewable energy transition!


As an expert in solar panels and solar panel installations, Futech distinguishes itself through its engineering approach and its total approach. Futech has created its own quality label, QC-Futech, and subjects the solar panels to the strictest production standards and requirements.



iLumen is an engineering company with its own R&D department that develops and commercializes product innovations all over the world. They are always products that contribute to optimizing solar panel installations.


Verisol U2P


Verisol is an expert in innovative green technologies and sustainable energy-saving solutions, including heat pumps. Besides reducing energy bills, Verisol is strongly committed to a pleasant and healthy living and working environment for its customers. The color of the future for Verisol (as for U2P) is green!

“By choosing U2P as an investor, Verisol has found a partner who knows the market inside out and who has a broad and forward-looking vision of renewable technologies. U2P thinks with us and sometimes even beyond, so that Verisol can achieve its ambitions.” Joris Broothaerts, co-founder






AT Group

AT Group is one of the largest players in the Belgian residential ventilation market, both in new construction and renovation. AT Group guarantees a perfect execution and a strong price-quality ratio. Thanks to its experience and know-how, AT Group succeeds in keeping all its promises.

“When we first came into contact with the U2P Group, we immediately shared a good connection . And this because, in fact, we share the same ambitions: to work hard, autonomously and keep growing continuously, combined with excellent teamwork & colleagues who keep supporting & motivating each other constantly. Perfect match!

In addition, our partnership will only benefit both parties anyway, as we can teach each other a lot: U2P Group will be able to share their extensive knowledge in the field of photovoltaics with us & vice versa, we in turn will be able to provide all the necessary information in the field of ventilation.

In this way, we can only strengthen each other more and develop together into a fantastic partnership with endless opportunities.” Koen Dhaenens, Managing Director


Dakwerken Bruneel

Dakwerken Bruneel has been an expert in roofing, zinc and asphalt works for 4 generations or more than 75 years. The company guarantees perfect completion of small to medium-sized roof renovations and new construction projects. The experienced maintenance & service team acts quickly and appropriately in case of any problems.

“We were keen to enter the renewable energy market with Dakwerken Bruneel, as we were increasingly confronted with requests from our customers to offer them a green solution. Also, various obligations are imposed from the government which made us want to jump on the renewable energy bandwagon.

In our search for an experienced partner, we ended up at U2P Group. We immediately felt they had a lot of know-how that goes beyond solar panels and battery storage systems. U2P also offers technological solutions that can add value in the field of energy management.

As a part of the U2P Group, Dakwerken Bruneel can now offer a total package to our customers in terms of technique and technology so that “1+1″ can mean so much more. A nice synergy story!”, Lieven Claus, Managing Director.






Ecosol+ is a specialist in HVAC, covering heating, plumbing, air conditioning, ventilation and solar energy. The company headquartered in Peer is an expert in heat pump technology linked to a buffer tank, whether or not combined with thermal solar panels. In its daily operations, Ecosol+ strives for innovation, quality, reliability and efficiency.

“In our ambition to further expand Ecosol+ as the specialist in geothermal heat pumps, we believe very strongly in working together within a larger group.

At U2P we had a good feeling from the first meeting. We have the same vision about the energy market, the role towards the customer and the importance of human capital.

Together we will put Ecosol+ on the map in the coming years as the installer that offers complete ecological solutions and is technologically advanced.”, Stéphanie Légat and Koen Geebelen, Managing Directors





Octave chooses Rittal enclosures to house sustainable energy storage systems (28 November 2023)

Brussels cleantech start-up Octave, which gives batteries from electric cars (EVs) a second life in stationary energy storage systems, chooses cabinets from Rittal, a world player in enclosure technology and IT infrastructure. A battery unit was installed in the depot of Futech of Tessenderlo.


Eight million euros Welfare Fund capital for modular construction company Skilpod (Nov. 7, 2023)

3D modular construction company Skilpod from Geel is boosting its growth ambitions with a substantial capital increase of 11 million euros. Current shareholders consisting of founders Filip Timmermans and Jan Vrijs, Group Van Roey and U2P Group welcome the Welvaartsfonds as a new investor.


Trends Knack – E-bike manufacturer Ellio raises €5 million fresh capital for international expansion (July 17, 2023)

Belgian e-bike manufacturer Ellio has raised 5 million euros of fresh capital to finance its continued product development and international growth.


VTM News – Bicycle manufacturer Ellio and VSV join hands for speed pedelec safety training (May 7, 2023)

Bicycle manufacturer Ellio, part of U2P Group, and the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (VSV) are now joining forces to offer safety training for those who buy a speed pedelec. The dangers are often underestimated, and the “Slim op de speedpedelec” campaign should drastically reduce the number of accidents. The first safety training with Ellio was extensively pictured during the VTM news of May 7, 2023, to be seen in the press article below from newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws.


Interview Ismaël Ben-Al-Lal (Futech) in Bedrijvig Limburg (3 April 2023)

As an entrepreneur, how do you get the highest return from a solar energy installation? In other words, how do you combine maximum electrification with the lowest possible bill? Ismaël Ben-Al-Lal, CEO of solar panel installer Futech, argues in Bedrijvig Limburg for a holistic vision in terms of solar panels, charging stations and batteries.


Publication Secury 360 & Futech in Het Laatste Nieuws (3 Feb 2023)

Solar panel expert Futech has been plagued by copper thefts in recent months, but they have now teamed up with Secury 360 to find a solution: cameras that use artificial intelligence. “The potential burglar is spotted by our cameras even before they can enter the roof,” says Futech.


Publication Octave in La Libre Belgique (13 Dec 2022)

Octave offers sustainable (e.g. circular) and smart Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), built up in a modular design, customizable in function of the customer’s needs. Additionally, Octave offers maintenance services to extend the life of the battery system and a state-of-the-art Optimal Battery Control system to maximize the Value for battery.

Octave’s innovative solutions are very enthusiastically received by the market. The leading Belgian newspaper ‘La Libre Belgique’ recently published an article on the success story that this start-up, located in the Brussels area, is currently writing. Learn more about it via the link below!
